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Problem of clock on STM32F107VCT6 on EasyMx Pro V7

Associate III

Hello I'm using a STM32F1107VCT6 on an EasyMx Pro V7 dev board and I've a problem of clock. I create a project from STM32 Cube MX and I'm using STM32 Cube IDE for developing. I want to toggle a LED every 1 second. For this I'm using the library HAL and the function "HAL_Delay(1000)" but the LED doesn't blink at 1 second. The module of my MCU have two quartz X1(HSE) at 25MHz and X2(LSE) and I want to use the HSE to toggle my LED at 1 second.

I've configured the clock configuration on STM32 Cube MX like this :

0693W00000Y96QnQAJ.pngI don't understand from where the problem come from if anyone have some idea of this problem and could help me.


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Hi @Romano​ and welcome to STCommunity 🙂 ;

Please check the GPIO configuration, for that I highly recommend you this Wiki page: Step2 Blink LED.

I hope this help you!

Thank you.


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ST Employee

Hi @Romano​ and welcome to STCommunity 🙂 ;

Please check the GPIO configuration, for that I highly recommend you this Wiki page: Step2 Blink LED.

I hope this help you!

Thank you.


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Hello @KDJEM.1​,

Thanks for your answer it seems to be a problem of configuration. I've solved my problem tahnks.


ST Employee

Hi @Romano​ ,

Glad to know that issue is already fixed.

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Thank you.


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