2023-01-19 6:46 PM
I'm trying to use FMC Sram, but does not work.
Here is what I tested.
1) First, I downloaded FMC_SRAM example for Nucleo-H743ZI via STM32CubeMX.
I want to see just NWE and NOE pin signal work when I call HAL_SRAM_R/W functions.
And It worked as i expected.
2) I make another STM32CubeMX project for STM32F745VET. and I add options for FMC like below.
And I generated code for STM32CubeIDE.
3) I compiled project, and flashed on my custom PCB which has STM32F745VET.
and while debugging, always It hangs at FMC_NORSRAM_Init() in the HAL_SRAM_Init. It alway falls into MemManage_Hander().
4) But when I select options like below, FMC works and I can see NOE, NWE pin signal moves.
I don't know why SRAM options does not work on STM32F745VET.
2023-01-20 11:07 AM
Hello @DKOO ,
You can post the relevant config, HCLK clock, GPIO and FMC registers content, this will help to identify the root cause of your issue.
Are you using DMA? In that case you need to check about cache and device/memory areas.
You can check "Memory access behavior" table, in the PM0214.
2023-01-26 1:00 AM
I'm just using the default configs provided by STM32CubeMX for stm32f745VETx.
My goal is just check if correct FMC waves occurs via oscilloscope. but as I described, I cannot check anything that CubeIDE code falls into MemManage_Handler().