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Please advise plans to upgrade CubeMX to LWIP 2.1.3

Associate II

The latest version of CubeMX 6.6.1 is still at LWIP 2.0.3


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What is the advantage of NetXDuo over LWIP?

I haven't even heard of it! It's not even in the STM32CubeMX itself.


The point seems to be clear, but let me add some precisions anyway:

  • There are no significant/major features in LwIP 2.3.1 vs. 2.1.2
  • Most customers can simply perform the change by just swapping LwIP files and dropping new release.
  • Based on that, there is no need for urgent CubeMX/CubeFW update to LwIP 2.3.1
  • ST offers NetXDuo as more robust and rich solution, but the choice remains in customer’s hands. (both NetXDuo and LwIP are third parties solutions, and there are other solution out in the market that can also be explored.).

I hope it answers the questions.

Hi @HKabi.1​ ,

NetXDuo offers a more robust and more rich set of features vs. LwIP.

It is updated more frequently and it is now officially endorsed by ST in STM32 Cube Firmware packages and in STM32CubeMX.

Depending on the series you are using, you can see NetXDuo

In all new series, NetXDuo is the only TCP/IP stack supported by default in STM32 Cube Firmware package and in STM32CubeMX.

I hope this answers your questions ?

Hi @Pavel A.​ 

"Does NetX provide its own low-level ETH driver or uses the HAL library?"

Yes of course, NetXDuo provided in STM32 Cube Firmware packages and in X-CUBE-AZRTOS-XX packages comes with fully integrated low layer drivers from ST and those low layer drivers are based on STM32 HAL.

You can find more details if needed in the wiki page

The page will be updated soon with the changes operated on X-CUBE-AZRTOS-H7 V3.0.0 and on Azure RTOS 6.2.0 release. But it still provides the basics.

Since it is made by Microsoft, it probably has more problems.

This is one of the reasons for constant updates.

Also, how much does it waste system resources such as RAM (this is one of Microsoft's specialties)?

@HKabi.1​ : My job is not to convince you to select one stack over another, but to provide you the facts you need for your decision: NetXDuo support ZeroCopy operation mode and has a ~10% delta on SRAM usage in average. Knowing that multiple customizations/optimizations can be done through user configs (ie. remove unused features/options).

Worth noting that NetXDuo has native RTOS integration, native security services, native AzureIoT integration and following certifications:

-IPv6 Ready Logo Certified

-IEC 61508 SIL 4

-IEC 62304 Class C

-ISO 26262 ASIL D

-EN 50128 SW-SIL4

A migration guide (from LwIP to NetXDuo) is available here:

Please note that we continue providing a minimal support for LwIP on new series: (GitHub release only, IAR only, one Application example, no STM32CubeMX support and minimal maintenance updates).

You can see an example of how it's done here : (It doesn't contain LwIP since U5 doesn't have ETH. It's just to show the level of support you can expect for LwIP).

I hope it helps you and other users make the right choice for your development.

Fortunately, I use stm32f107 and that's why I think I didn't see this option.

My experience in these 30 years of programming shows that with Microsoft you cannot achieve stable technology and every few years you have to throw away its technology and look for a newer technology (from Microsoft). So glad LWIP is still available for my micro.

@HKabi.1​ You've made some good points about Microsoft : ) but have you seen alternatives (Linux, various "IoT" RTOSes) recently? There things mutate with rabid speed.

> So glad LWIP is still available for my micro.


No, I have not heard about it