2015-06-24 1:25 PM
When adding SDIO and FATFS to a project in CubeMX version 4.8.0, I notice there is a new tab in the FATFS configuration settings. This new tab is called ''Platform Settings'', and has selectable options for ''Supported IP's'' and ''Found Solutions''. I'm unable to find information on this new tab in any of the CubeMX documentation. What exactly do these settings do?
#sdio #fatfs #stm32cubemx2015-06-25 5:26 AM
Hi Rob,
You're right. No information available in the current documents. We missed it. I'm gonna report it to my colleagues.
Any way, if you accept the help of a (poor) SW guy, I can at least, tell you how to use it and its main goal. (note: the same tab is also available for another middleware, USB Host, for the same kind of settings).Come back to FatFS + SDIO, having a look at previous generated code, you could find a function named BSP_SD_IsDetected (in the generated bsp_driver_sd.c file).
- function to detect if SD card is correctly plugged in the memory slot or not. The generated function was empty: the user had to complete it. Having a look at examples available in firwmware packages (for instance, the F4 one), code using GPIO settings is given. The idea, when adding such tab, is to be able to give such settings in the Fatfs GUI, and to generate such settings in the BSP_SD_IsDetected function.Now, how it works?
We need to have GPIOs (at least one) configured in ''GPIO_Input''. The ones found by FatFS tab will be listed in its ''Found Solutions'' combobox. I give some screenshots showing an example, where I configured PI7 on a F4 as ''GPIO_Input'', generate code and show the result.Feel free to give more feedback: things can always be improved, especially software ones ;)
When adding SDIO and FATFS to a project in CubeMX version 4.8.0, I notice there is a new tab in the FATFS configuration settings. This new tab is called ''Platform Settings'', and has selectable options for ''Supported IP's'' and ''Found Solutions''. I'm unable to find information on this new tab in any of the CubeMX documentation. What exactly do these settings do?
2015-06-25 6:57 AM
Hi Fred,
Thanks so much for your detailed reply! This makes sense now-Rob2016-09-24 10:39 PM
Hey Fred,
I just stumbled over that platform settings page, too. Could you please elaborate on its role in the other IPs, like USB OTG (DRIVE_VBUS_HS) or point to the documentation of this feature? I still couldn't find anything about it. I'm assuming that this controls whether the VBUS pin draws current or supplies current to the USB bus? Or is it supposed to drive e.g. a PMOS to switch a 5V supply to the VBUS pin? Thanks!