2023-05-05 7:09 AM
I have a project using a STM32H743 (LQFP144). I want to migrate it to a STM32HA3. It seems like it should be fairly pin compatible, but in Stm32CubeMX when I use the Alt-L (Pinout Compatible) option, the STM32HA3 isn't there.
Is this a lag in the CubeMX software update or is the device really not pin compatible?
CubeMX Ver 6.8.1.
Thanks for your help!
2023-05-05 9:03 AM
i did it ... just some points are not same:
2023-05-05 9:08 AM
Thanks for the reply. So did you do any type of migration using STCubeMX or just manually remap pins and recompile?
2023-05-05 9:16 AM
no migration (i would not trust...) .
just make same pinout on other chip (after cross checking ! ) and generate code...then import your code from old project , compile and it runs.
also look not to use RAM or flash area (block size is not same ! ) that not exist in new target.
also set : power regulator scale to lowest possible (not same ! ) for long life of chip.
2023-05-05 9:18 AM
Some QUADSPI/OCTOSPI and AF mapping differences