2021-02-15 4:26 AM
A project (STM32H743 with FreeRTOS + TouchGFX) works perfectly on STM32CubeIDE 1.4.2 with MX6.0.1.
Trying to migrate it on STM32CubeIDE 1.5.1 with MX6.1.1. stucks during the execution of the first task with the hard fault "Bus,memory managment or usage fault (FORCED)" .
We compared the two .ioc files of MX (the one of 6.0.1 with the other of 6.1.1) and we found that NVIC priorities had changed (0 turn to 5 and "uses FREERTOS functions" check boxes turned checked in almost all NVICs). We change the NVIC settings manually in .ioc MX file of 6.1.1 in order to be identical with the ones of 6.0.1 but the problem remains.
Are there any suggestions ?