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Migrate from STM32H743 to STM32HA3

Associate II

I have a project using a STM32H743 (LQFP144). I want to migrate it to a STM32HA3. It seems like it should be fairly pin compatible, but in Stm32CubeMX when I use the Alt-L (Pinout Compatible) option, the STM32HA3 isn't there.

Is this a lag in the CubeMX software update or is the device really not pin compatible?

CubeMX Ver 6.8.1.

Thanks for your help!


Chief II

i did it ... just some points are not same:

  • i set 200M clock, so both can do it
  • use SDMMC , that have same pins on both
  • also ADC ... only use, what both can do on same pins with same ADC
  • control USB, CAN etc. is on same pins
  • so its not 100% pin compatible, but with some care - working fine on same board
  • H7A3 , H733, H743 . but need separate project and compile run.
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Associate II

Thanks for the reply. So did you do any type of migration using STCubeMX or just manually remap pins and recompile?

Chief II

no migration (i would not trust...) .

just make same pinout on other chip (after cross checking ! ) and generate code...then import your code from old project , compile and it runs.

also look not to use RAM or flash area (block size is not same ! ) that not exist in new target.

also set : power regulator scale to lowest possible (not same ! ) for long life of chip.

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