2019-03-11 6:42 PM
What is the maximum frequency that the APB buses on the STM32H743 can be run at?
In CubeMX's Clock Configuration page when trying to configure the APB bus frequencies, there is a note on the APB clock that its maximum frequency is 100MHz. CubeMX also enforces this constraint and will not allow me to set the bus frequency on any APB to more than 100MHz. However, I can't find any information about this anywhere in the reference manual, nor the datasheet, so I am not sure what the maximum frequency actually is.
I am aware that it is possible to run the timer peripherals which use the APB clock as a clock source at a higher frequency than the APB clock, but I would like to know what the maximum bus frequency of the APB itself is.
2019-03-11 9:51 PM
See Figure 1
2019-03-12 12:51 AM
Hello @cxiao
Concerning the APB Peripheral Clock , the maximum frequency is 100 MHz as it's indicated in CubeMX , and for the APB Timer Clock the maximum frequency is 200 MHz.
Best Regards,
2019-03-12 5:54 PM
Thanks! Datasheet fatigue definitely got the best of me there.