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Install fails on step 8/9 'C:\Program' is not recognized

Associate II

I have been trying to install STM32CubeMX (SetupSTM32CubeMX-6.9.1-Win.exe) for a *while* and yes I right-clicked and chose "Run as Administrator". It always fails during step 8/9 with the same message that "'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."  which is something anyone who has written many scripts or installers has overcome a couple times before not making that mistake again (or at least very often). 
Initial message.png

If I choose "No" here, I can then get to the error details window:

The full text from this window is :

com.izforge.izpack.api.exception.IzPackException: An error occured
in at
in at
in com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.UnpackerBase.unpack() at
Caused by: com.izforge.izpack.api.exception.InstallerException: File execution failed
in com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.UnpackerBase.unpack() at
in com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.UnpackerBase.unpack() at
in com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.UnpackerBase.executeFiles() at

Now if I say "Yes" to the first error, then I get a new error window that even when I tried to make my screen extra tall by virtually stacking each window on top the other of my three screens, I still cannot see the bottom:

I have no idea how to proceed.  According to this ST guide, it is the first thing I need to install: 

I even saw a similar error for Mac so I installed Java 8 only but no help.


Accepted Solutions
Associate II

I ended up pulling essential data from my HD and starting from a completely fresh slate.  In watching what happened, I noticed that in the first go around, I had all my install files in the C:\ST folder thinking this could never be a target for anything actually installed.  I was wrong.  To make matters worse, I was told by a coworker that maybe I should force the installs to go to the C:\ST folder.  So I copied my C:\ST folder to a new folder C:\ST_Inst and then ran the install again forcing them to target C:\ST based on that recommendation.  That turned out to be a very bad idea too.  I had found related message to the error code "com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.UnpackerBase.executeFiles() at" but that was pointing to the installed version of java.  However, the EXE for MX is a compressed file that 7-zip showed to have its own copy or a JRE  folder, so all the time to enforce a particular java for all users was also a waste of time.

View solution in original post

Associate II

I ended up pulling essential data from my HD and starting from a completely fresh slate.  In watching what happened, I noticed that in the first go around, I had all my install files in the C:\ST folder thinking this could never be a target for anything actually installed.  I was wrong.  To make matters worse, I was told by a coworker that maybe I should force the installs to go to the C:\ST folder.  So I copied my C:\ST folder to a new folder C:\ST_Inst and then ran the install again forcing them to target C:\ST based on that recommendation.  That turned out to be a very bad idea too.  I had found related message to the error code "com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.UnpackerBase.executeFiles() at" but that was pointing to the installed version of java.  However, the EXE for MX is a compressed file that 7-zip showed to have its own copy or a JRE  folder, so all the time to enforce a particular java for all users was also a waste of time.

Seems like the installer doesn't understand spaces in the path.

Poor QA, and repetitive class of failure.

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