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I tried increasing Queue size and FreeRTOS lands in a HardFault().


I am using a stm32f105RBt6, just teasing with FreeRTOS (cmsis_v2) at the moment.

Two unexpected things are happening:

  • If i stay with Dynamic allocated memory but increase my Queue size further than 10, i get thrown into a hardfault..... maybe some nefarious Ram accesses/stepping out of the heap? im still learning about that.


  • If i declare the Mem allocation to be static, same error.0693W00000QNz3VQAT.png 

Increasing Heap size doesnt help


Any tips of how to debugg this? I think i have alocated enough heap in RAM....


we dont need to firmware by ourselves, lets talk

Instrument the Hard Fault so you can see what exactly is being objected too there and work backward.

Check that the allocations haven't failed. Check alignment. heap not 8-byte aligned (depends on expectations)

Perhaps instrument the malloc/free to confirm there's not an issue there.

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