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I just updated the Cube IDE to Version: 1.11.0 and then my project on the STM32H747 discovery is stcuk at __HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_D2CKRDY)


Its ectremely clever from you to release an update without really testing it and its not even simple bug. its huge. try create project for the STM32H747 Discovery and u see by your self!!


Freeware may cost you time to QA test it....

Make separate install of newer tool from working one and only update if your project is blocked.

Automotive project freezes all updates when a project starts, preventing time loss in non added value debugging.... keep the installer zips in case you need to migrate to a newer pc.

ST Employee

Hello @Community member​ 

First let me welcome you to the community and thank you for posting.

At the moment I am not able to reproduce the same behavior and the code is running fine.

But I am interested to further know the cause of the issue you are encountering.

To be able to push further the analysis I will need from you more details:

  • Your project is it for a single core or you are using both cores
  • and some screenshots for the debug configuration (for both CM7 and CM4 if dual core project and just CM7 if single core)
  • A screenshot of the call stack would also be helpful to know where exactly the code is blocked
  • It would be also very helpful if you can provide a minimal project where the issue is reporoduced.

Kind regards,


To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

Associate II

I am also having problems with 1.11.0 Arguments passed into functions change value without cause. I updated and am compiling code that has been around forever and always work with previous versions. This is a compiler issue.


I am facing the same issue and trying to go back to version 1.10 doesn’t help either. It started after I opened the .ioc file and CubeIDE asked whether I wanted to update which I did. Why I can’t go back to version 1.10 is a mystery to me, given that I cloned my original files to avoid getting them altered by version 1.11.

Associate III

Same problem, RCC configuration is missing many parameters, for example PWR_SMPS_1V8_SUPPLIES_LDO is no more available, the new code generated doesn't wok. I have to go back to version 1.10. Really incredible

Thanks for the tip but, when will be fixed?

  • The issue is critical since you're not able to generate runnable code.
  • Is easy to reproduce.
  • Is there an ETA for the solution?

Thanks and regards,


Associate III

No news from ST? It's a big problem, project can't be megrate and new project has bug. Can ST answer?

no one will answer you, you are in a valley of tears, everyone runs in this company, but they go towards a ravine. During the week I created a new project based on a structure created on 1.10 for H7, hours and hours of work thinking that it will start immediately since everything was working... it crashes on the clock and we don't understand why, now I have to rebuild everything on the old versions. **bleep**ty jobs!