2018-10-08 10:31 PM
I am working with CubeMX 4.26.0. All my projects are using the latest firmware package version available on my computer:
Project - Settings - Mcu and Firmware package
Firmware Package Name and Version
STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.21.0
Use Default Firmware Location
One project still points to the old version:
Firmware Package Name and Version
STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.18.0
Use Default Firmware Location
How can I change firmware version in this project to the latest one?
Every time when I install new STM21CubeMX version and firmware package, and then open existing project, CubeMX suggests to upgrade the project. I always accept this, keeping all projects up-to-date. For this specific project, I probably asked "No", and it still points to the old firmware package. I cannot find a way in CubeMX UI to update firmware package version.
2018-10-09 5:51 AM
If you simply want to get the Cube MX prompt to update:
edit the .ioc file. In the line "ProjectManager.AskForMigrate=false" change it to true.
To test how your project works with new library version, you can manually edit your Eclipse or keil project and switch all library files to a new version (ex. 18 to 21). These are just text files.
Generally this is like with updating any other component.... it can fix things. Or break things.
-- pa
2018-10-10 4:55 AM
Thanks. I really want to get the Cube MX prompt to update. Interesting that in my case AskForMigrate=true, but I don't have this prompt.
2019-02-07 11:21 AM
did not get the promt for me as well.
What worked for me was to edit the following lines to the previous version (4.24.0 in this case):
--- after the migration, these are now:
and the older
ProjectManager.FirmwarePackage=STM32Cube FW_F1 V1.6.1
is now:
ProjectManager.FirmwarePackage=STM32Cube FW_F1 V1.7.0
2024-02-26 2:55 AM
@thomast777 Where can i see MxDb.Version of my Cube MX being used. By the way I am using version 6.4.0