2021-04-29 12:58 AM
As in the FYI note STM32CubeMX on Raspberry Pi 4 the Oracle Java is needed. But seems that Oracle java 1.8.x is only operative for Windows x64 or x86, not for ARM. Any alternatives? Thanks
2021-05-18 2:03 AM
Hi @JBreu.1 ,
Can you please tell which version of CubeMX are you using?
Since version 6.2.0 STM32CubeMX embeds the JRE, no need to install Orcale Java.
To be sure to use the embedded java version you can use this command to launch CubeMX:
<CubeMX installer folder >\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX-6-2-0\jre\bin\java -jar STM32CubeMX.exe
Hope this helps you.
2021-08-20 2:21 PM
I found that the STLink driver doesn't work on arm64. Even after installing everything else, the device is not discovered. (I can see the mass storage portion of the composite device but the debugger device is listed in device manager as not having a driver).
2021-08-20 3:27 PM
> but the debugger device is listed in device manager as not having a driver).
It should be served with a standard in-box winusb driver.
ST, make a small fix in the INF file for the ST-LINK . Add .NTARM64 section:
... copy here content of [Standard.NTx86] or [Standard.NTamd64] section ...
Add this to [Version] section:
CatalogFile.NTARM64 = STLinkDbgWinUSB_A64.cat
Get the signature from Miscrosoft as usual ...
2021-08-26 4:55 AM
Hi @Pavel A.
could you share the obtained drivers please
2021-08-26 8:34 AM
2021-08-26 1:49 PM
Just an observation (completely different from the original problem): I've diffed yours and mine and found two devices appear only in the x86 section but not in the amd64 (so because I've duplicated the amd64 one, I have not included them). ST should review if amd64 is complete or why these devices are only detectable on x86 machines:
%DeviceName% =USB_Install, USB\VID_0483&PID_3752&MI_00
%DeviceName% =USB_Install, USB\VID_0483&PID_3753&MI_00
2021-08-26 2:42 PM
Workaround with unsigned drivers here :https://community.st.com/s/feed/0D53W000011vaXZSAY