2018-06-28 6:32 AM
How can I installed ARM.CMSIS.*.*.pack into STM32CubeMX software components?
I was able to include the package into STM32CubeMX 'Embedded Software Packages Manager', but it won't installed.
The errors were missing CMSIS Core package, but the package is on the listing.
How do I fix the problem? See the attached snapshot file.
I am using STM32CubeMX Version 4.26.0 (latest software download).
#cmsis #stm32cubemx. #cmsis-dsp #cmsis-rtos2018-08-01 6:09 AM
Hi starfish,
For each error (red cross) if you double click on it will guide to fix your issue.
In your case, this pack couldn't work without CMSIS core pack.
To resolve your issue install please the CMSIS core pack and then follow the steps.