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How to create project in CubeMX for STM32F767 with Ethernet and LwIP stack working


I am struggling with the configuration of LwIP stack for my NUCLEO ST32F767 over FreeRTOS. I have read some articles and followed several tutorials, but everyone got me to a dead end. I tried different versions of the sw and fw as weel, cause I read some libraries were a bit buggy, but still I cannnot put it into work.

Sometimes the OS gets frozen, others the UDP services simply do not seem to work.

I would appreciate if you could provide me some step-by-step, in addition with a reference of the versions recommended for that, Thanks in advance.-

ST Employee

Hello @JCorn.1​ ​ and welcome to Community 🙂 ;

I recommend you to follow the Steps as described in this FAQ: How to create project for STM32H7 with Ethernet and LwIP stack working.

This FAQ developed in STM32CubeMX with STM32H750-Discovery board.

But, you can get inspired from this article to configure your project with Nucleo-F767ZI.

Also, you can start from LwIP example, available in STM32CubeF7 package.

This application has been tested with the following environments:

  • NUCLEO-F767ZI board
  • Http clients: Firefox Mozilla (v24) or Microsoft Internet Explorer (v8 and later)
  • DHCP server: PC utility TFTPD32 ( is used as a DHCP server

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