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How to create a project for STM32F429ZI with RTOS and LwIP stack working?

Geraldo Pereira
Associate II


I´ve just did some tests with my new F429ZI board. See bellow:

1) Use cubeMX and cubeIDE to generate and test a RTOS with Thread example: OK

2) Use cubeMX and cubeIDE to generate and test a LwIP example. NOK

I could only ping the board after include the code "MX_LWIP_Process();" in the main loop.

3) Now I´m trying an example with RTOS and LwIP. I inicialized the board selector to F429ZI and accepted the default values to the peripherals. And configure "Time base" of SYS to use TIM3. Increase the minimum heap size to 0x10000. Disable PB0, disable PA8 to PA12.

4) I configured FreeRTOS with CMSIS_v2. I´ve read to change the size of the default stack size to 256 words. So I tested with this value and with 128 words.

5) I configured enabled LwIP and configure it to static IP and to use DHCP.

So I generated the code. I CubeIDE the code compile and run. But I can´t ping an IP address. Can anyone give me a hint? Or can suggest any tutorial to configure LwIP and RTOS with this board?

I´ve attached my projetct.



Muhammed Güler
Senior III

You can use lwip using this guy's settings.

I also suggest you compare the communications section in his library with your own code.