2021-03-08 9:57 AM
my project expands and i need more than 32k flash.
In the CubeMX it is not possible to change the Mcu Referenc.
It is possible without to generate the project new to change the Mcu?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-03-08 10:33 AM
2021-03-08 10:33 AM
2021-03-09 12:42 AM
Simply edit linker script, if flash/ram size is only difference.
2021-03-09 1:31 AM
Hello @ingo
Thanks for your question,
I'll add some details on the comment of @Vangelis Fortounas who gave the key to the answer, in fact, the first step is to know which MCU is compatible with the one that you have already created you project with. As mentioned in the image above, a click on ALT+L will show you the list of MCU with pinout compatible, choose the G031F8 in your case, then click on "OK Import".
You can also start from the beginning with the G031F8Px then click on Import project and choose the one created with G031F6.
Hope my answer helped you, when you question is answered please close this topic by choosing Select as Best, this will help other users find that answer faster :)
2021-03-09 9:18 AM
I try both answers.
Then i install STM32CubeMX and use the "OK import" Button.
But there are some different - my LL Libs setting are now HAL etc. that i have to edit.
This method are working too with much more operations.
Thanks for answers!
P.S. now i use the edited linker script version