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How can I find STM32 devices with the most PWM input channels?

Chris Lynch
Associate III


I have a project where I need at least 8 PWM input channels, 10 would be great.

I can't see a method to filter by PWM input on the website or in STM32CubeMX. I would like to round it down to a few devices and compare them on cost, package, etc.

Is there a method to do this that I'm missing?

At the moment I'm simply choosing the devices with the most timers and working through the list 1 by 1 using STM32CubeMX, this is quite a slow approach.

Any advice is welcome.



You are correct and this is how we have previously captured low frequency PWM inputs.

On this particular design the PWM frequency is 20kHz which has led me to the PWM input + DMA + reset approach.

The question also is, do you need to process each and every period of every input? If yes, it's quite a bit of data even in case of hardware processing. If not, one trick off the sleeve is to switch different pins of the same timer in GPIO.

You might want to experiment (with a limited number of signals and with whatever STM32 you have at hand) to get feeling of where are the limits of indvidual methods.

An option to contemplate might be also to use a larger number of interconnected cheap STM32.

In some cases, integrating the PWM and reading out the result using ADC is also an option.


Senior II

I can see that you have already found your answer. Btw, if you need further clear info about PWM with STM32, you can see this article.

It shows how to configure and write an application to dim an LED connected to an output pin (GPIO) of the STM32F446RE Nucleo board.