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Hello everyone, I used a Nucleo board STM32F429ZI to develop my application. My application uses a Wiz5500 Ethernet module to communicate with another host program and performs some actions based on the received commands.


The SPI rate is at 21MBit/s and I use STM HAL.

Data rate is high and I receive up to 1 message all 3ms.

After I tested my application I wanted to port it to a G4 to use a cheaper microcontroller.

When using the same code on the Nucleo G474RE and G431RE the SPI connections is not working correctly. After a short and irregular period the SPI interface delivers wrong values.

As example I read 2 bytes RSR register of the Wiz5500 and receive a value around 65000. The value in the RSR register can not exceed 2048 because it is the buffer size.

For G431RB I changed the clock multiplier after PLLM from x85 to x84 and APB1 + 2 Presclater to get the same clock values then F429ZI but the error is still there.

Attached are the settings of SPI1, CS_Pin and Clock Config for both microcontrollers. I checked the wiring three time and I am quite sure that this is not the problem.

F429ZI Clock Setting0693W000008z917QAA.pngG431RB Clock Setting0693W000008z91HQAQ.png 

F429ZI SPI1 Settings and Pins


G431RB SPI1 Settings and Pins


I think that there is a difference between SPI1 on both boards. The same issue occurs on STM32G474RE.

Please give me a feedback if necessary information is missing.

Thank you for reading this.

Any hint or tipp is highly appreciated.

Best regards

Chief II

Check your SPI and CS signals with scope or analyser.