2020-12-25 2:46 PM
I am attempting to evaluate the X-NUCLEO IHM16M1 board using STM32CubeIDE. MCU board is a NucleoF401RE. I have tried to find a (working) add on package for CubeMX but can only find .zip files with example code for Kiel etc. Is there an add on package available that I can install into CubeMX for developing STSPIN applications?
2020-12-28 8:17 AM
Hello Denny Smith ,
Unfortunately, there is not a specific application pack for the X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 motor driver expansion board to be used with STM32CubeMX or STM32CubeIDE for the moment.
But the expansion software package X-CUBE-SPN16 for STM32Cube can help you develop your application.
Actually the software comes with a sample implementation driving a three-phase brushless DC motor, with BEMF sensing. It is compatible with the NUCLEO-F401RE development boards when connected to an X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 expansion board. It includes multiple ready-to-use project examples for integrated development environments (IDE) such as IAR Embedded Workbench and MDK-ARM.
Hope this will help you .
2020-12-28 2:02 PM
Thanks Khouloud,
I have looked at that package and can compile and load the samples there but I need to get working prototypes going in STMCube32IDE. The Kiel demo compiler works for small applications up to 32k binaries but is of little use for larger apps. The Kiel pro compiler is way too expensive here in Australia - $10,000+ , my main activity is in Teaching and what student can afford that.
The CubeIDE and GNU Arm is perfect for Teaching and developing serious apps. I have several apps successfully developed from scratch with CubeIDE for various STM MCU's and would like to add the STSpin devices to that list. I guess I will just have to convert the sample Kiel project to CubeIDE.
Let me know if you come across a conversion routine from uVision5 to CubeIDE.
Regards Denny
2021-01-15 2:31 AM
Hi Denny Smith ,
Sorry for the delay.
Actually there's not a conversion routine from Keil to CubeIDE. My official recommendation is to start a new project with CubeIDE and not migrate as it's not guaranteed to work.
However you may be able to use the methods used for migrating IAR projects to TrueSTUDIO and probably manage to get it to work with CubeIDE since they are pretty similar. Here is the manual for how to do it in TrueSTUDIO.
Otherwise it is possible to do the migration from System Workbench to STM32CubeIDE.
Hope that this helps you find a solution.