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I am attempting to evaluate the X-NUCLEO IHM16M1 board using STM32CubeIDE.  MCU board is a NucleoF401RE. I have tried to find a (working) add on package for CubeMX but can only find .zip files with example code for Kiel etc.  Is there an add on packa...
I cannot for the life of me find out where the interface descriptors are defined. Examples I have found on the web indicate ( for a CDC device at least ) a file "usbd_desc.c / h" that contains the definitions. There is no equivalent usbh_desc.c fil...
Posted on May 14, 2017 at 00:43Hi All, I am new to this community so please bare with me.  I am developing a USB GPS application using STM32F4, CubeMX (4.20.1) and Keil uVison 5.  Using CubeMX I created a USB Host skeleton and succeeded in getting t...