2018-11-20 1:42 PM
recently I installed STM32CubeMX. When I click 'Check for update' menu item 'STM32CubeF1 Firmware Package V1.7.0 / 09-October-2018' is shown. But when I press 'Install Now' the following error happens:
In the log I see:
2018-11-20 23:56:39,197 [ERROR] ServerAccessManage:919 - Problem, file not found on Server
2018-11-20 23:56:39,197 [ERROR] ServerAccessManage:491 - Problem, file not found on Server : stm32cube_fw_f1_v170.zip.
Is v1.7.0 package available to download?
2018-12-20 8:17 PM
I'm still getting this error
error downloading the following files: stm32cube_fw_f1_v170.zip(cannot unzip) stm32cubemx
2018-12-20 8:23 PM
Well the .ZIP should be in the Repository, you can Check/Test it with something like WinRAR.
More critically the system will fail this way if your hard drive is out of space. Figure you're going to need more than 3.6 GB free to download and unpack
2019-07-22 1:03 AM
Hello. Faced a similar problem.
error downloading the following files: stm32cube_fw_f1_v170.zip
When will the problem with access to the specified file be resolved?