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D2 domain of STM32H745 not entering STOP mode from Cube MX generated project.


I have generated a project in Cube MX for my custom application board with STM32H745IIK6. I have configured system clock from the HSI to 64MHz and allocated PC0 for GPIO output (blinky application) in CM4 core. My initial hardware semaphore handshaking is not happening in the project and upon debugging I was able to figure out that the HAL_GetCurrentCPUID function is always returning CM7 ID in context of CM4. With this happening my CM4 is not able to enter into STOP mode and with breaks the initial handshaking mechanism in the project. There are no changes made in the Cube MX project apart from usage of GPIO. Can someone help me identify I am doing something wrong. Please find the link for GitHub project below.

akhilpanayamparambil/cubeMXblinky (

The steps followed to generate the project is described in

Also, the low power implementation for project looks adhered to AN5215 document.

Also note that I am using JLINK Compact in SWD mode for debugging. One more observation is that I have to keep the BOOT0 pin high state to debug the project.

ST Employee

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