2020-08-28 9:30 PM
I want to use dsp libraries on cubeIDE 1.4.2 with cubeMX 6.0. I used this library on cubeIDE 1.3.1 version with cubeMX 5.6 but after I updated cubeIDE and cubeMX, even though I didn't add any code, code generated didn't compile.
My board is stm32f429 discovery board.
I selected my boad in cubeMX, I installed CMSIS 5.6 in "Embedded Software package manager", then I checked the boxes as it shown in picture. I generated the project and compiled with cubeIDE 1.4.2. but I got "RTE_Components.h" not found error. I found this library and added to my project but I've got another error.
l tried to use dsp library like I did on cubeIDE 1.3.1 version by adding "arm_cortexM4lf_math" but it didn't work.
Any solution?
2020-09-01 2:14 AM
Helo @naser moravej ,
Thanks for your feedback , in fact, this's not a CubeMX issue, it's a specific problem with ARM packs and we are sorry for that... you need to generate a keil project in this case, so It's not possible to fix the issue from MX side as the RTE_components.h can be generated by CubeMX only if there is some RTE_components into the PDSC .
For the chosen component , there is no RTE element
Best Regards
2020-09-01 8:35 PM
Thanks for your answer. I don't understand.
* Define the Device Header File:
#define CMSIS_device_header "stm32f4xx.h"
#define RTE_Network_Interface_ETH_0 /* Network Interface ETH 0 *//* I have a network interface in my project and it uses socket tcp*/
#define RTE_Network_Socket_TCP /* Network Socket TCP */
#endif /* RTE_COMPONENTS_H */