2023-08-08 5:33 AM
Despite referring to the STM32F0 label (can't this forum have a simple one labeled as a general problem for STM32CubeMX???) the problem exists for ALL situations and MCU's where you simply start working with the STM32CubeMX.
Since several years ago, some colleagues on this form (and myself for 1-2 months) continue to report a completely stupid mess in the stm32CubeMX that makes it completely useless (again I attach a picture of today's nonsense and that completely prevented me simply from doing my work at the University - I'm sick of it!) No one at TS has (apparently) spent even a minute trying to solve such a stupid problem. For now (and against my will) I will migrate to NXP MCUs, which at least the configuration software works! As soon as someone at ST fixes the problem (which drags on for years!) please let me know.
2023-12-08 9:52 AM
Same here. The app is unusable.
2023-12-08 12:44 PM - edited 2023-12-08 12:44 PM
@mrbaranovskyi are you from the same University as Mr. Pereira? Any relevant details about your computer?
2023-12-08 2:03 PM
Nope.. but... looks like scaling up the system text to 150% - works.
Windows 11, RTX3080, Ryzen 5900x.
The screen resolution is 2k.
Same problem I saw on EVERY single PC (at least 4) I had CubeMX. Every time same UI messes up.
2023-12-09 4:12 PM
Hi @mrbaranovskyi @Pavel A. @Paradox0v0 @Herve PIERROT
I think we are all out of alignment!
As I mentioned before (and regardless of each person's options and the benchmarks - suspicious - of each manufacturer) I like the STM SDK. Unfortunately, needs are much more important than taste; so (need obliges!) I am developing systems based on NXP's MCus' (and it works).
As I have a lot (really a lot!) firmware for STM MCUs, improvement / update, becomes, now, impossible due to the *** programmers things on stm32mx (I refuse to configure Cortes-M7 line-by-line).
Unfortunately I don't have the time available to do the *** job of i) testing on a pristine PC, ii) if "x" or "y" happens, then do "z", etc, etc, i.e. the (paid!) work of the employees at STM. And, I repeat, under what conditions (operating system, installed software, etc.) do these employees work...?
To complete:
1) Forget firewalls, anti-virus and similar nonsense: whether at the University of Aveiro (as a professor) or at home, no connection with the STM is blocked or limited (and please, don't ask me this "***" again: do you want a firewall / antivirus report, as basic as it sounds?)
2) Obviously everyone (except STM...maybe) has already realized that the problem lies in Java UI rendering. What are you waiting for to solve, if other applications that use the same Java Ui do not have problems? Let the users solve it?
3) Basically: it is obvious that the stm32mx is a free software. And no one can (genuinely) put in question the great work of STM as that of other similar companies, whether in products (hardware) or in development ecosystems. Unfortunately, bugs exist "everywhere"; It's a pity that programmers are unable to "see" beyond the "optimized bubble" of the ecosystem in which they work...
I hope they are capable... I will be the first to congratulate them.
2023-12-10 4:54 AM - edited 2023-12-10 5:34 AM
Hmm. What is common in these cases? Nvidia RTX3080 or GTX GPUs?
2023-12-10 5:56 AM
Looks like, the only common thing here is JVM:)) Next time, when choosing a cross-platform UI framework for the desktop app - use Avalonia.
We love ST. We just want it would be better, my friend.
2023-12-10 6:56 AM
In my case (desktop) I have an Nvidia GTX (1660 Super); on the laptop (no problem - at least for now!), it's a basic Intel board. Meanwhile, the new desktops for the Labs at Univ arrived last week and I will try in the next few days to see how they behave
2023-12-16 8:29 AM
Hi, @Pavel A. @Pierre_Jean_SINACOUTY, @Paradox0v0, @Herve PIERROT , @mrbaranovskyi
Update on this situation (complex, I admit!)
1) On the new PCs that arrived at the lab, the stm32mx works (apparently, now I'm very suspicious of everything!) fine. I need more time to test it obviously.
2) Installed software (by default, I am the administrator - root - of the equipment): win11pro, stm32ide, nxpIDE, office365, keil academic license, matlab, visual studio, python modules and some specific software for PalSens, OcenOptics and Keithley equipment) .
3) Hardware: Intel i7, 13th generation with proprietary graphics card (Intel)
Additional things:
Unfortunately, and contrary to my previous information, running stm32ms inside stm32ide doesn't work: after (again!!!) some draw, the "UI mess" comes back...
I will continue to try to understand the situation. As I mentioned before, for now (and because the laboratory work on ongoing projects cannot stop!) I'm using NXP MCUs; I would really like to be able to use STM's MUCs again, which, as I mentioned before, have excellent configuration software for advanced MCUs (M7 and M33).
I hope that the problem can be resolved
2023-12-16 9:12 AM
Hello boys,
maybe inspiration maybe not, i work with MX and IDE many years and ... , i read carefully no one write Microsoft.
Sometimes installer check existence for example VCredist version X and system say exist. But version in PC isnt good and require manual reinst etc.
For ST Employe info add self care log send button to apps...
And for all with gui trouble try enable to PC remote desktop access and connect from other computer. Try use MX gui.
And my most ocured issue with IDE or MX is out of memory crash JVM...
2023-12-16 10:53 AM
@Luiz Pereira So the situation, simplified, looks this: On a new PC - no problem; the problem begins after installing something else?
Or does the 2nd part of your post (Additional things) mean that the problem manifests on a new PC too, but with the Cube plugin of CubeIDE rather than standalone CubeMX?