2015-03-04 04:01 PM
My EE was using CubeMX for a 407 and noticed that a lot of the pins can be declared as being GPIO_ANALOG, even if the pins have no analog alternate functions and are not able to be routed to ADCs or DACs.
I declared PE0 as GPIO_ANALOG and Cube did generate code to load PE0's mode register with analog, and running the code didn't generate any asserts, but what does that mean?Is this a CubeMX bug or is there some undocumented semantics that I'm missing? (take that as the english language ''or'' please). #cubemx-gpio_analog2015-03-04 04:10 PM
No bug.
CubeMX defaults to setting unused pins as analog to minimize power consumption. If that is not satisfactory, select ''Project'', then ''Project Settings'', then ''Code Generator'' and select a different option. Cheers, Hal2015-03-04 04:14 PM
Analogue Input really means it turns off all the digital circuitry on the pin, including a schmitt trigger on the input that usually feeds into GPIOx->IDR
2015-03-04 06:04 PM
Got it. That makes perfect sense.