2020-09-25 1:34 AM
I want to use the combined reset and trigger mode as a slave mode for timer configuration, but I cannot find this option in stm32CubeIDE,
however this mode exists in stm32 MX
2020-09-25 8:12 AM
It's an option under "Slave Mode":
2020-09-28 5:18 AM
I'm using nucleo_stm32f4 cortex-M4 but i don't have this option
2020-09-28 5:48 AM
There is no such mode on the STM32F4 timers.
Be more specific about what you're using. Your original post had no info, and your last post says STM32F4 nucleo board, but not a specific one. There are differences between families and even between chips within a family.
2020-09-28 5:53 AM
I'm using nucleo-stm32f429zi