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BUG: STM32CubeMx mx-generated.cmake Errors in TrustZone Project

Associate III

I have a few errors with the generated output of the mx-generated.cmake files on TrustZone projects using the CMake toolchain.

First off, STM32CubeMx puts the startup assembly file into the `Secure/startup` and `NonSecure/startup` folders.  The mx-generated.cmake file capitalizes `Startup` though, so CMake won't find the file on some systems:





My other issue is that if you include the STM32_USBPD_Library, it doesn't have the correct relative path for any files in the `Middlewares/ST/STM32_USBPD_Library/Core` folders.  It has a `.` instead of `..` in the include directories, sources, and linked directories.  What's weird is that all the other files in the libraries are fine.  Here are some screenshots of these errors:



I'm testing on an STM32U585VIT6Q.

ST Employee

Hello @cvanbeek 

I think it is simular to an  issue that i've already reported. Could you please send your .ioc file.

Best Regards.


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Apologies for the delay. Here's an example project.

Hello @cvanbeek 

Thank you so much for reporting this. For the first thing, it is already reported and escalated in this post. For the second, I've escalated to the concerned team for review and correction in the internal ticket 192980.

Best Regards.


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