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Bug: STM32CubeIDE deleted all my source code (generate code on imported project)

I imported a project into STM32CubeIDE (from Atollic).

The Release configuration was deleted (bug), but otherwise the project looked OK.

Double-clicked on project's IOC file to start CubeMX (bug, IDE doesn't find this and otherwise CubeMX perspective comes up blank).

IOC was converted to latest version without any errors.

BUG: Generate Code wiped out all of my sources in the imported project!


Is there a stable release coming any time soon?

Meanwhile we'll need to stick with Atollic.


Best Regards, Dave


@EM.1​  Here's the workflow we used to work-around ST tools deficiencies:

Never, never, ever, regenerate code with automated tools (from any vendor) before doing a source control commit!!!

Hope that helps,

Best Regards, Dave

Associate II

Thank for you help,

In the windows file restore dialog it says: There are no previous versions available

this feature only works if we first configure windows to back up the files

Is there anything I can do to restore this code? their was a lot of energy time and research involved in writing this code, (mercy... help... please...)

Any help will be highly appreciated,

Thank You

Have try to create lost file setting same path name and extension. Right click on then. Maybe "replace with local history" may works.​

Associate II

I just wanted to jump in with a tip I just discovered to restore files within the STM32CubeIDE. It's actually a feature of Eclipse which STM32CubeIDE is based on. Simply right click the file in the "Project Explorer" on the left and go to "Replace With -> Local History..." Inside there were dozens of previous versions of the file that cubemx had overwritten and it restored it for me! This just saved me a whole day's worth of work. Hope this is helpful to some people.