2019-05-13 1:33 PM
I imported a project into STM32CubeIDE (from Atollic).
The Release configuration was deleted (bug), but otherwise the project looked OK.
Double-clicked on project's IOC file to start CubeMX (bug, IDE doesn't find this and otherwise CubeMX perspective comes up blank).
IOC was converted to latest version without any errors.
BUG: Generate Code wiped out all of my sources in the imported project!
Is there a stable release coming any time soon?
Meanwhile we'll need to stick with Atollic.
Best Regards, Dave
2020-08-10 10:55 AM
@EM.1 Here's the workflow we used to work-around ST tools deficiencies:
Never, never, ever, regenerate code with automated tools (from any vendor) before doing a source control commit!!!
Hope that helps,
Best Regards, Dave
2020-08-10 11:40 PM
Thank for you help,
In the windows file restore dialog it says: There are no previous versions available
this feature only works if we first configure windows to back up the files
Is there anything I can do to restore this code? their was a lot of energy time and research involved in writing this code, (mercy... help... please...)
Any help will be highly appreciated,
Thank You
2020-08-12 4:43 AM
Have try to create lost file setting same path name and extension. Right click on then. Maybe "replace with local history" may works.
2021-10-27 11:47 AM
I just wanted to jump in with a tip I just discovered to restore files within the STM32CubeIDE. It's actually a feature of Eclipse which STM32CubeIDE is based on. Simply right click the file in the "Project Explorer" on the left and go to "Replace With -> Local History..." Inside there were dozens of previous versions of the file that cubemx had overwritten and it restored it for me! This just saved me a whole day's worth of work. Hope this is helpful to some people.