My use case would benefit from high speed but I'm having trouble getting it to run at 60Hz. I'm using the X-NUCLEO-53L5A1 on an NUCLEO-L476RG board with the XCUBE-TOF1 software. I'm using the SimpleRanging example program: XCUBE-TOF1\Projects\NUCLEO...
My application requires scanning multiple zones (ROIs) and comparing the results. When I do this I see an offset that varies somewhat randomly based on the shape and position of the ROIs. I see in the UM2133 user manual that there is a calibration p...
VL53L1_PerformOffsetCalibration(Dev, 140, 17 << 16)From digging in the code it looks like CalReflectancePerCent is fixpoint1616 and CalDistanceMilliMeter is an int32. For example is this the correct format to calibrate with a 17% Grey card at 140mm?
UM2133 says the default value of histogram_ranging_gain_factor should be 0.971. When I get the data for VL53L1_gain_calibration_data_t->histogram_ranging_gain_factor, I get an integer "1987". The data type listed in the typedef in vl53l1_ll_def.h is ...
Thanks John! I got it running at 60Hz! I'll post what I did so others may learn from it. I was able to increase the I2C speed by setting the I2C mode to "Fast Mode Plus" in CubeMX and the frequency to 1MHz. Somehow I still only measure 850kHz on the ...
I just wanted to jump in with a tip I just discovered to restore files within the STM32CubeIDE. It's actually a feature of Eclipse which STM32CubeIDE is based on. Simply right click the file in the "Project Explorer" on the left and go to "Replace Wi...
Thanks for the reply John. I'm actually not sure if I'm using the ULD driver or the CB code. Does this code block in vl53l1_def.h help to figure it out?/** VL53L1 IMPLEMENTATION major version */
/** VL5...
Thanks John, This scaling factor of 2048 works! I am considering using a large gain factor like 6.5 (UM2133 says it must be <7) to increase the granularity of the distance measurement. The normal data output is to the nearest mm but if I increase the...