2019-02-27 7:00 PM
My project work fine with STM32CubeMX v5.0.1.
I upgraded to v5.1.0, It generated code miss something.
My project detail: stm32f103cbt6 + freertos,
SYS -> Timebase Source: TIM1
Generated code stm32f1xx_it.c missing a line: HAL_TIM_IRQHandler(&htim1);
when i use "SYS -> Timebase Source: TIM2", it's OK.
2019-03-04 2:56 AM
I did the same scenario and did not have any problem.
The generated code shows the line:
So, could you please send me your .ioc file to check the problem.
Best regards,
2019-03-05 2:14 AM
Thanks for the feedback.
You are right, i was able to reproduce the issue and it will be fixed in the next STM32CubeMX release.
Best Regards,