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Are STM32F7Cube code examples configured with CubeMX ?


Hi, The SDK package provided in STM32F7Cube has many code examples on all topics but is that code initialized with CubeMX ? Or, otherwise , if it is not , in order to reconfigure or customize it the user has to manually merge that code with the one generated by STM32CubdeMX ? I know that in the past STM Cube packages were provided with pre-CubeMX old examples. What is the current situation?


I think it's a bit hit-and-miss, they either have an IOC file or they don't

Personally I prefer examples that aren't choked full of crap, and actually written by an engineer who knew what they were doing / wanted to achieve.

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CubeMX is designed exactly for that : to (re)configure the project to whatever the developer needs. I've been away from STM for last 2 years but remember back then working with STM32F4 every example code I had to change manually to merge with my own generated CubeMX configuration... CubeMX was like "you-can-use-it-too" unrelated to the examples... So I wonder may be STM has advanced enough to provide CubeMX generated examples for their most advanced MCUs which definitely need GUI kind of configurator ?