2018-12-12 12:00 AM
i buy something like this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RGB-LED-Display-Music-Spectrum-Analyzer-Amplifier-Sound-Audio-Level-VU-Meter/163244651198?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
and after update i get some strange problem with display
i attach firmware what i upload to this device. Please give some advice.
2018-12-12 1:40 AM
I don't see a STM32 device related problem.
2018-12-12 2:02 AM
here is video look at the bottom led they should be on the middle.
this happen after update
for update i disconnect power and disconnect from led pannel then connect ST-Link32 V2 (Orange) and connect to PC then run software on PC and just upgrade firmware but after update i get problem with display clock and audio spectrum. Any way how i can fix this or how i can reprogramming (i mean what program i can use for that and how do this properly)
2018-12-12 1:54 PM
You should contact the vendor and ask him to help solve your problem.
2018-12-13 1:19 AM
i send email to seller but he not respond jet. I think the problem is with update file. any way will be good if he send me original file from brand new device,