2023-04-03 8:42 AM
Dear All,
I have question about manipulating cubemonitor.
I want to display 1024 buffer data to the graph on the cube-monitor at once.
Is it possible?
Thanks in advance for your advice.
2023-04-04 3:23 AM
Addtionally I update about my question.
When I use ucprobe, there was burst option on each selected array buffer. so burst option made it(display all bufer at once) possible.
I hope this help you understand what I mean.
Thanks for your help.
Best Regards,
Tommy Lim
2023-04-04 7:04 AM
2023-04-05 7:19 AM
Dear Mr.Rim
Thank you for your guide.
That is good guide video from stm-side.
when I checked videos, there seems to have no direct solution about what I wanted as above, like displaying bulk data to graph at once.
I think stm-side might not miss this kind of simple burst display feature, so let me check more.
Tommy Lim
2023-08-24 2:14 AM
I've created few node functions for STM32CubeMonitor (download nodes10.zip). Import CubeArrays v1.0 from this archive and see instructions in source code tab. You can also check this thread: https://community.st.com/t5/stm32cubemonitor-mcu/how-to-watch-an-array-using-stm32cubemonitor/td-p/225086