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Why are calls to strcat() not actually calling strcat()? (and why do I sometimes get a Hard Fault)

Associate III

I am using STM32CubeIDE v1.6.1 and am seeing some strangeness.

When I call strcat(), I get a hardfault if the end of the string (where the nul is) being catted to is at an odd address?

Here is code from the .list file:

		  char s1[20];
		  strcpy(s1, "--");
 800ab50:	f107 030c 	add.w	r3, r7, #12
 800ab54:	4a65      	ldr	r2, [pc, #404]	; (800acec <sd_cmdproc_process_packet+0x374>)
 800ab56:	6812      	ldr	r2, [r2, #0]
 800ab58:	4611      	mov	r1, r2
 800ab5a:	8019      	strh	r1, [r3, #0]
 800ab5c:	3302      	adds	r3, #2
 800ab5e:	0c12      	lsrs	r2, r2, #16
 800ab60:	701a      	strb	r2, [r3, #0]
		  strcat(s1, "1");
 800ab62:	f107 030c 	add.w	r3, r7, #12
 800ab66:	4618      	mov	r0, r3
 800ab68:	f7f5 fbc4 	bl	80002f4 <strlen>
 800ab6c:	4603      	mov	r3, r0
 800ab6e:	461a      	mov	r2, r3
 800ab70:	f107 030c 	add.w	r3, r7, #12
 800ab74:	4413      	add	r3, r2
 800ab76:	495e      	ldr	r1, [pc, #376]	; (800acf0 <sd_cmdproc_process_packet+0x378>)
 800ab78:	461a      	mov	r2, r3
 800ab7a:	460b      	mov	r3, r1
 800ab7c:	881b      	ldrh	r3, [r3, #0]
 800ab7e:	8013      	strh	r3, [r2, #0]
		  strcat(s1, "2");
 800ab80:	f107 030c 	add.w	r3, r7, #12
 800ab84:	4618      	mov	r0, r3
 800ab86:	f7f5 fbb5 	bl	80002f4 <strlen>
 800ab8a:	4603      	mov	r3, r0
 800ab8c:	461a      	mov	r2, r3
 800ab8e:	f107 030c 	add.w	r3, r7, #12
 800ab92:	4413      	add	r3, r2
 800ab94:	4957      	ldr	r1, [pc, #348]	; (800acf4 <sd_cmdproc_process_packet+0x37c>)
 800ab96:	461a      	mov	r2, r3
 800ab98:	460b      	mov	r3, r1
 800ab9a:	881b      	ldrh	r3, [r3, #0]
 800ab9c:	8013      	strh	r3, [r2, #0]
 800ab9e:	e1c4      	b.n	800af2a <sd_cmdproc_process_packet+0x5b2>

the strcat of "1" works, but the strcat of "2" hard faults. I suspect it isalignment error with the "strh".

It is also curious that the calls to strcat() (and strcpy()) do not call the actual functions.

I appologize if I have missed something obvious.




Are you using a Cortex-M0(+) processor?

Sometimes these calls are folded inline or use intrinsics.

Most Cortex can handle unaligned 16 or 32-bit access, all will fail with LDRD/STRD


Correct Core Selection for compiler/libraries

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Associate III

Guess I should have included that information at the start...

This project is using a Cortex-M7 (STM32F769NIHx) on the STM32F769I-DISCO board.

Here are the gcc options shown in Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->MCU GCC Compiler->All Options:

-mcpu=cortex-m7 -std=gnu11 -g3 -DDEBUG -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F769xx -c -I../Core/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/include -I../Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1 -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F7xx/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -I"C:\Users\mbutsch\STM32CubeIDE\workspace_1.6.1\F769-FlashFS\synlib\Inc" -I"C:\Users\mbutsch\STM32CubeIDE\workspace_1.6.1\syntalk\c" -I../Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/CMSIS_RTOS_V2 -O0 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wall -fstack-usage --specs=nano.specs -mfpu=fpv5-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mthumb

> the strcat of "1" works, but the strcat of "2" hard faults.

How do you know?

> FreeRTOS

What about stack overflow?


I've posted a couple of Hard Fault Handlers that output actionable data. Interested in a full register complement, and fault location.

I'm not sure the STRH will fail inherently due to an odd address, make sure the strlen() hasn't failed due to missing NUL

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when I singlestep (instruction mode) through the code, inspecting the variable s1....

strcpy(s1, "--"); yields s1 == "--"

strcat(s1, "1"); yields s1 == "--1"

strcat(s1, "2"); yields hard fault when it executes 'strh r3, [r2, #0]'

here are registers after hard fault

pulFaultStackAddress	uint32_t *	0x20002390 <ucHeap+5360>	
r0	volatile uint32_t	0x3 (Hex)	
r1	volatile uint32_t	0x801d45c (Hex)	
r2	volatile uint32_t	0x200023cf (Hex)	
r3	volatile uint32_t	0x32 (Hex)	
r12	volatile uint32_t	0xa (Hex)	
lr	volatile uint32_t	0x800adb3 (Hex)	
pc	volatile uint32_t	0x800adc4 (Hex)	
psr	volatile uint32_t	0x21000000 (Hex)	

where have you posted Hard Fault Handlers? They may be better than what I have in place currently.

Giving the depressingly awful search afforded by SalesForce (a multi-billion dollar outfit..)

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> pc volatile uint32_t 0x800adc4 (Hex)

That's not in the region you provided the disasm for above.

0x200023cf is in DTCM. Cortex-M7 should allow unaligned accesses there, unless you've set that area as Device or Strongly Ordered in MPU, or you've disabled unaligned accesses generally by setting SCB_CCR.UNALIGN_TRP.