2020-04-18 08:27 PM
The list of patches is published here, but can we see the actual (configured and patched) source?
-- pa
2020-04-19 12:59 AM
Good question...
But when i read this:
and this:
... maybe it helps to see at least some of the NOT implemented patches :(
2020-04-19 01:58 AM
It does not matter what patches are implemented.
ST must publish the actual sources used to build their versions of GPL licensed software, including the toolchain (gcc and friends), newlib, openocd.
By redistributing them in STM32CubeIDE, they are violating the copyright of their respective authors, including ARM, Red Hat, and a thousand others.
Looks like someone forgot to check things with the compliance department.
I've got around to check the licenses, newlib is (mostly) not GPL, so the requirement applies rather to the GNU/GCC toolchain and openocd
2020-04-19 02:30 AM
Hey... Don´t shout that out loud... That would make many inept st professionals unemployed and we would get even less support than now... Although... 0.1% - 50% of 0.1% = ? Nothing to be worth mentioned...
2020-04-19 11:57 AM
Yes, this is why I'm asking. Mr. Nadler calls for urgent action, and we need to see the actual configured library source. Of course, it is possible to do black box tests based on the upstream source and version numbers in the compiled libraries, but why.
-- pa
2020-04-19 12:39 PM
I also can just check this:
and there´s nothing to be found about that issue. Even in the "Main limitations in STM32CubeIDE v1.3.1" it´s just not listed.
Maybe it´s a hint: Checking project properties -> c/c++ build -> environment will give you the path variable... the gnu toolchain seems to be 2018_q2 here
2020-04-19 05:39 PM
RN0114 does not mention newlib at all, though it mentions "GNU Tools for STM32, based on GNU Tools for Arm Embedded Processors".
IMHO the newlib vs FreeRTOS issue is not a CubeIDE limitation at all. It is internal issue of integration of the newlib bundled in object form, with templates used to generate code, and FreeRTOS example projects.
-- pa
2020-04-22 04:27 PM
> I've got around to check the licenses, newlib is (mostly) not GPL, so [......]
Then we have to resort to blackbox techniques.
What I wanted to find is, how exactly are implemented locks per protocol defined in sys/lock.h and what is better: provide specific locking function for malloc as in Mr. Nadler's proposal, or implement 'common' locks per sys/lock.h.
Also, find which other relevant parts of the library need locks (printf?)
-- pa
2020-04-22 06:26 PM
These are what I'd found when I'd started with TrueSTUDIO. From this you should be able to find similar for STM32CubeIDE.
From http://gotland.atollic.com/resources/manuals/9.3.0/readme.txt:
IDE, Toolchain and software:
* Based on Eclipse Neon version 4.6.1 and CDT version 9.1.0
* Atollic ARMTools toolchain, (Build 17.03) 6.3.1 20170215 (release)
based on [ARM/embedded-6-branch revision 245512] + patches
Built on new GCC, GDB and Newlib versions
GCC 6.3.1 20170215 + patches
libgcc patched - "Disable JCR section when java is not enabled"
GNU C++ library
Newlib 2.5.0 (including Newlib-nano)
nosys library
Supporting floating point hardware
FPv5-sp-d16, FPv5-d16
NEON-VFPv3, VFPv3-D16, VFPv3-D32
NEON-VFPv4, VFPv4-D16, VFPv4-D32
* PC Toolchain
Based on MinGW (GCC version 5.3.0, GDB version 7.6.1)
* Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181)
* STMicrolectronics ST-LINK_gdbserver v5.0.2
* Segger J-Link GDB Server v6.42b
Updated Segger GDB Server can be downloaded from Segger web-site
Latest J-Link Software is available here
Latest beta version is available here