2020-05-03 4:52 AM
I'm debugging a STM32F765 application using STM32CubeIDE v1.3.1 with ST-Link/V3 debug adapter via OpenOCD.
The Memory window shows a gap of 800 RAM bytes in a valid RAM area (see picture below).
Any idea what can cause this ?
2020-05-03 6:06 AM
Weird. Do you have any regions defined in the memory protection unit (MPU)?
2020-05-03 6:07 AM
No, not knowingly
2020-05-03 11:25 AM
What variable(s) are on that position (look into mapfile)?
2020-05-03 12:10 PM
The unreadable range straddles the top end of the FreeRTOS heap, some other FreeRTOS variables then some application variables. There is nothing in the map file that corresponds to the start or end address of the unreadable range
2020-05-03 4:54 PM
And the variable falling into this area can be observed?
Is this fully reproducible? Won't some form of eclipse's "restart" make it go away (I don't know what might constitute such restart, I don't use any eclipsoid, maybe recreating the project from scratch, importing the sources)?
And other projects on the same so exhibit this too? And the same project on a different PC?