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Unable to upload my code using Serial Wire Debug


Screenshot 2024-08-05 163011.png

Screenshot 2024-08-05 162955.png

Screenshot 2024-08-05 162916.png

  I am trying to upload my code using ST Link(SWD)into a custom board with an STM32 Core. I am using serial wire debug for programming. So I am getting the above shown error messages. If anyone have come across this issue, please help me resolve it.

Screenshot 2024-08-05 163741.png

Screenshot 2024-08-05 165217.png

 I tried uploading the code using STM Cube Programmer also. I am getting the above error.!


Between VCAP and GND you should measure 1.25V, if not the LDO is NOT working, and it's highly probable that either the supplies are going to the wrong pins, or the IC is rotated.

If the chip's not powering up properly you're trying to talk to dead circuits, it's simply not going to work.

A picture of board and connectivity might be illustrative..

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R1 ,C6, R2 are very close to the jumpers. The black wire(wounded into the ground) is connected to R4, C16 to mimic the reset functionality.

Oh my god why is R2 still there? REMOVE R2!

I need to tap out of this thread. Good luck.

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Principal II

@vbk22398 See TDK's post above: REMOVE R2 !

You're shorting VCAP to GND, which makes no sense at all, and might have killed the MCU.