2023-04-14 5:36 AM
Good morning! I have a problem with the STM32F429I-DISC1 board. I bought this board a few weeks ago and with the STMCubeIde software (v. 1.12.0) I downloaded the BSP example for this board together with the STM32CubeF4 package (v. STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.27.0). After compiling the project and loading it into the board (Run as STM32 C/C++ Application), the execution hangs during the calibration of the touch-screen (activate the colored circle inside the rectangle). I tried with various PCs with Windows 10 Pro (I7 and I5 with 16 GB of RAM) and also on a Linux Kubuntu v.22.04 machine but the anomaly always occurs. Another example (LTDC_Display_2Layers) works correctly. I also tried to use another STM32F429I-DISC1 card but the problem remains. Can anyone enlighten me on this? Thank you!
2023-05-02 7:58 AM
Thank you, Moez.
I edited the files STM32F429I.discovery.h and STM32F429I.discovery.ts.c but, since I'm a newbie, I don't know how to add "USE_STM32F429I_DISCOVERY_REVD" define in the toolchain's pre-processor options. Can you tell me the procedure?
Best regards,
2023-05-08 7:02 AM - edited 2023-11-20 8:11 AM
Hello @AIann.3
Could you please provide me which IDE are you using?
if you are using EWAR ( IAR), the stpes below helps you to add USE_STM32F429I_DISCOVERY_REVD" define in the toolchain's pre-processor options:
1/ click right button on your project as screenshot below 2/ choose c/c++ Compiler , Then click on the Preprocessor : in the block
defined symbols add your define