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SWV Data Trace Timeline freezes after a few seconds of working

Associate II
Hi there!
After updating to the new version of CubeIDE 1.14 I got this bug. 
SWV Data Trace Timeline freezes after a few seconds of working.

Timeline freezes but in Live Expressions window value is still updating.

This bug can reproduce with this simple code:

if (HAL_GetTick() - tmr >= 5) {
tmr = HAL_GetTick();

 Project clock settings:


Debug mode set as "Trace Asynchronous Sw"

 Viewer settings:

Viewer cfg.png

 Exception trace log:


"3664";"Exceptionexit";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"";"";"195256046";"1.148565 s";""
"3665";"Exceptionreturn";"N/A (EXC 0)";"";"";"195256054";"1.148565 s";""
"3666";"Exceptionentry";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"";"";"195426006";"1.149565 s";""
"3667";"Exceptionexit";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"";"";"195426043";"1.149565 s";""
"3668";"Exceptionreturn";"N/A (EXC 0)";"";"";"195426051";"1.149565 s";""
"3669";"Exceptionentry";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"";"";"195596003";"1.150565 s";""
"3670";"Exceptionexit";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"";"";"195596040";"1.150565 s";""
"3671";"Exceptionreturn";"N/A (EXC 0)";"";"";"195596048";"1.150565 s";""
"3672";"Exceptionentry";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"";"";"195766000";"1.151565 s";""
"3673";"Exceptionexit";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"";"";"195766037";"1.151565 s";""
"3674";"Exceptionreturn";"N/A (EXC 0)";"";"";"195766045";"1.151565 s";""
"3676";"Exceptionentry";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"";"";"195935997";"1.152565 s";""
"3677";"Exceptionexit";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"";"";"195936034";"1.152565 s";""
"3678";"Exceptionreturn";"N/A (EXC 0)";"";"";"195936042";"1.152565 s";""
"3679";"Exceptionentry";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"";"";"196105993";"1.153565 s";""
SWV Trace log:
" 3669";"Exceptionentry";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"195596003";"1.150565 s";""

" 3670";"Exceptionexit";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"195596040";"1.150565 s";""
" 3671";"Exceptionreturn";"N/A (EXC 0)";"195596048";"1.150565 s";""
" 3672";"Exceptionentry";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"195766000";"1.151565 s";""
" 3673";"Exceptionexit";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"195766037";"1.151565 s";""
" 3674";"Exceptionreturn";"N/A (EXC 0)";"195766045";"1.151565 s";""
" 3675";"DATA_TRACE_VALUE (comp 0) (R)";"228";"195766136";"1.151566 s";"Packet delayed. "
" 3676";"Exceptionentry";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"195935997";"1.152565 s";""
" 3677";"Exceptionexit";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"195936034";"1.152565 s";""
" 3678";"Exceptionreturn";"N/A (EXC 0)";"195936042";"1.152565 s";""
" 3679";"Exceptionentry";"SYSTICK (EXC 15)";"196105993";"1.153565 s";""



Check on my Nulceo-G474, BlackPill with StLinkV3 with the same result.

OS Windows 11 with latest updates.

Is this bug only on my PC or not?

How can i fix it?


Accepted Solutions
Associate II

Fix this bug only after downgrade StLink v3 firmware from V3J13M45S1(3.13.4) to V3J12M35S1(3.12.3)

View solution in original post

Associate II

Fix this bug only after downgrade StLink v3 firmware from V3J13M45S1(3.13.4) to V3J12M35S1(3.12.3)


Had this same problem, and the solution from Eldar did the trick after downgrading to V13J12M3. Board that I'm using is NUCLEO-G474RE 

Associate III

ST, please fix

Can confirm this is still an issue as of Feb 2nd, 2024. Was having issues with SWV stalling out, downgraded like suggested, and now it functions as expected.

How did you downgrade the firmware?

STM32CubeIDE v1.14.1 upgraded my ST-Link/V3 to V3J13M4B5S1, which resulted in SWV data freezing shortly after starting a debug session.

STM32CubeProgrammer says the firmware is up to date and doesn't give an option to change

ST-LINK Utility throws the error 'Unexpected device ID for ST-Link micro.  Don't know how to upgrade.'.  It identifies the existing firmware as V3.J13.M4.B5.S1 and gives an option to upgrade to 'V3.J7.M2.B4.S1'.  Attempting to download firmware results in the error 'Upgrade Error, Please try again.'


Firmware can be changed using STSW-LINK007 -


The latest version of 3.15.6 fixes the bug w/ SWV data freezing