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STM32CubeIDE v1.15.1Git 11 The software project includes the pre-build command,"git log --pretty=format:'%H' -n 1 > git_hash.h" (format string simplified for this post)On a fresh install on a new PC the following error preven...
I'd like to configure GCC to suppress warnings from library files - e.g. I don't want to see the -Wconversion warning in stm32f4xx.h, but I do want to see all warnings from source files that I write myself.  I'm using STM32CubeIDE v1.10.1 on Windows....
I have a STM32F405 with a coin cell on VBAT and I haven't been able to get the Backup SRAM or RTC to preserve contents when removing main power.  The same code works fine on another board that has a STM32F407. //Works on STM32F407 - Fails on STM32F40...
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