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STM32CubeIDE documents or instructions

Associate II


I am new to this.  Are there  documents or instructions to set up a port using  ATM32CubeIDE? For example, if I want to set up an UART or USB port, what are steps that I need to do? what parameters that I need to set? I can't find any documents on this.

Thank you in advance.  


Thanks.  I am new to both STM32CubeIDE and Programming Microcontroller.

And do you have any experience of programming in general ?


From the "getting started" link earlier - general microcontroller "getting started" resources: 

I am a beginner.

 I am new to both STM32CubeIDE and Programming Microcontroller.

No problem at all!  Here you can find help in both electronics and software aspects of your project and generally in software.  Good luck.


For a complete beginner with no prior programming experience, it might be better to start by learning the C programming language on a "normal" computer - away from all the added complications of embedded microcontrollers and electronics.


Or maybe on Arduino...