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STM32CubeIDE and UHD/4k screen

Mick P. F.


I know that these questions are far too easy for this forum, but a few days ago I destroyed all of the IDE settings several times when I tried to change these settings.

First of all, the platform and environment used: Ubuntu Linux 20.04.2 and the current version of STM32Cube (IDE, MX, Monitor etc.).

  1. In the attached file "Invisible_Text.png" you can see the light background so that the text cannot be seen. I can't find this context in "Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts". This background color cannot be found there either. How/where can I change it?
  2. A few days ago I received a new monitor with UHD/4K resolution. The icons in the toolbar are too small (see appendix, file "Small_Icons.png"). I can change the screen resolution to FullHD, but then everything looks strange. I can't change the size of the icons. Is it really not possible?

Thanks in advance,



The UHD/4K support has been a recurrent complaint, certainly in CubeMX it was a Java side nightmare. ie You want Platform Independence, you get limited/generic control of the UI space.

Using Keil and VS Code on Windows with a 4K display, no issues there.

ST has a pretty low bar on GUI, QA and usability issues, and they often fail to clear even that. Luckily the HW is pretty solid.

Cute Chow.

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Mick P. F.

Hello Tesla,

it was my second (and regrettably my last) chow :face_with_tears_of_joy: I loved him so much!

But to my problems: I understand the problem with the adapting software for 4k displays, but what is about the color problem? I had this problem with the "old" screen also.

Kind Regards,
