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STM32CubeIDE 1.6.1 stops responding, stuck forever in "Build project", on Windows 10

Associate II

Operating System: Windows 10 Pro, Version 20H2, Build 19042.964.

I just open a workspace that used to work fine. Just let it sit there, doing nothing. The option Project->Build Automatically is disabled. Tried and disabled Indexer, but to no avail!

Some weird Build Project thread gets started, which never ends and prevents any other operation. Even trying to edit a source file is stopped, due to this mysterious "build" in progress. You get the message "The user operation is waiting for background work to complete."

After a while the IDE stops responding altogether, the load on the CPU is Very high, and the only possible thing to do is terminating it from the Task Manager.

The following occurred while debugging through Segger J-Link, but it may happen in any circumstance, even while just editing.


Extremely frustrating! ��

Has anybody else faced such situation? Any solution/workaround found?

Thank you very much for any help you may provide.

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

Any chance to run extra trial on your side adding more log ? Have a look to your workspace some .metadata/.log4j setup file is available.

Move    <param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/> to    <param name="Threshold" value="DEBUG"/>.

Remove then .metadata/.log & .metadata/.ide.log and start a new IDE session. Proceed as usual to get stucked situation and please share back such 2 files.


Dear selene,

I have a similar problem and find out that the CubeIDE needs extremly log. In mycase almost 8 minutes to continue. The time is regardless of speed of the system.

This is ageneral bug from ST and need to be fixed from ST.

A Workaround is to use CubeMX for configuring and generating the project and use IDE only for programming and compiling.


ST Employee

Is this on every project or a specific one? If you have a reliable step-by-step guide in order to reproduce the behavior then please share it and I can try this from my side as well.

As Cartu38 mentioned as well, the workspace log would be helpful in knowing the cause behind this as well.

@Osto​ sounds you're facing performance issue if embedded MX usage. Here @GC.Selene​ is reporting build time issue I'm not sure both issues are related.

@GC.Selene​ is your workspace include a single project or multiple ones ? If multiple ones are all STM32CubeIDE projects or a mix of some other nature ?

Then CPU running high any info as part of Progress view (Windows > Show View)?


Dear Markus,

On both my systems it happened without any trigger. Its not possible to give you a guide because its enough to make a new projekt, then its happen after few seconds. In the first few seconds after generation of new projekt, it works with normal speed but then changed that.

Also progress window shows nothing.

Nothing happens in Progress. It happen in system with one project and also multiple project in the same workspace.

Could you send the workspace log? You can follow the instructions sent by Cartu38:

"Have a look to your workspace some .metadata/.log4j setup file is available.

Move    <param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/> to    <param name="Threshold" value="DEBUG"/>.

Remove then .metadata/.log & .metadata/.ide.log and start a new IDE session. Proceed as usual to get stucked situation and please share back such 2 files."

You can post them here in the thread. The logs don't contain any compromising information but if you prefer you can send them privately in a message to me.

Hi Markus, thank you for your help.

I have been able to work OK for a few weeks. Now, for some mysterious reason, the problem has appeared again.

I had the "Debug Configurations" dialog open, but when I tried to press the "Debug" button the IDE got unresponsive.

I noticed the dreaded "Build Project" stuck at 98% (see image attached).

0693W00000APCNMQA5.pngI had to kill the IDE from the task manager, but I had already changed the log "Threshold" to "DEBUG". I attach the log files too.

Thank you for any help.



Apparently I have to attach the second log file to a different message. Here it is.