2024-05-20 10:03 PM
2024-05-23 2:34 AM
i am observing my output on Serial port of arduino ide, using the USAR2
2024-05-23 2:34 AM
how to d the turning Echo on and off
2024-05-23 2:36 AM
So you're missing the first half (~40 characters) of that string, YES , my buffer size is big enough
2024-05-23 2:38 AM
@sreedharan1196 wrote:how to d the turning Echo on and off
You're doing it right here:
@sreedharan1196 wrote:10:29:53.295 -> ATE110:29:53.295 -> OK
2024-05-23 2:43 AM
@sreedharan1196 wrote:i am observing my output on Serial port of arduino ide, using the USAR2
So why are you posting under 'STM32CubeIDE' when you're using the Arduino IDE - not STM32Cube?
What creates that "output"?
It seems to be a combination of the output from the STM32 to the A7672S, and the output from the A7672S back to the STM32?
Are you sure that process is working properly?
@sreedharan1196 wrote:YES , my buffer size is big enough
How have you verified that?
2024-05-23 2:43 AM
that my older Code, plz find my new set of code , in that only i am getting that issues, also for Some AT commands i dint receive full OK ,jus got only K and O
2024-05-23 2:44 AM
2024-05-23 2:49 AM
yes verified with the buffer size , i had also attached full code on previous, we have interfaced the stm32 with A7672s with the level shifter, so the At commands from STM32 will send to level shifters RX and TX and the level shifter will tranmsit that to A7672S,
2024-05-23 4:20 AM
It is difficult to time the receive. I guess for "proper" response from the modem uart port without missing characters etc, you have to receive the characters via ISR. implement UART_RECEIVE_IT, in the ISR set a flag when the buffer is full, check the flag in the main code and print.
2024-05-23 4:21 AM
Did you send at+httpsend \r\n command also?