2020-08-05 08:37 AM
I'm working with the NUCLEO-F722ZE EVB on STM32CubeIDE.
In my code I tried to make the "printf" function work.
I used the procedure described in this video:
It basically involves adding this code (the full code is below) :
#include <stdio.h>
int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
HAL_UART_Transmit ( & huart3 , (uint8_t *)&ch , 1 , 0xFFFF ) ;
return ch ;
To prove that the UART peripheral works - I try to print Hello World using 2 methods. As follows:
StringOut ( "Hello World with StringOut\n\r" ) ;
printf ( "Hello World with printf" ) ;
But when I run the code only "Hello World with StringOut" gets printed on the screen. The printf function doens't do anything.
Help me fix the printf function.
This is the full code:
#include "main.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
void StringOut ( char * s )
HAL_UART_Transmit ( & huart3 , ( void * ) s , strlen ( s ) , 1000 ) ;
int main(void)
while (1)
StringOut ( "Hello World with StringOut\n\r" ) ; // Prints successfully
printf ( "Hello World with printf" ) ; // Nothing happens. The code just proceeds ahead.
HAL_UART_Transmit ( & huart3 , (uint8_t *)&ch , 1 , 0xFFFF ) ;
return ch ;
2020-08-05 08:27 PM
Does printf call PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE? If you put a breakpoint there, does it get hit?
2020-08-06 12:26 AM
Try this:
int _write(int32_t file, uint8_t *ptr, int32_t len)
HAL_StatusTypeDef res = HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, ptr, len, 1000);
switch (res) {
case HAL_OK:
while(1) {};
return len;
2020-08-06 01:21 AM
When I put a breakpoint on the "printf" line and press F6 (step into) it doesn't go anywhere (same as if I would press F5).
So I guess the answer to your question is "NO" ?
2020-08-06 12:00 PM
2020-08-06 12:18 PM
The video uses another IDE and another compiler. For STM32CubeIDE (using gcc) check the generated syscalls.c file. printf will eventually call _write which in turn calls __io_putchar. You have to override (define) either of those functions. E.g. in your main.c as suggested by @DPant.1.