2023-08-16 11:16 AM
Hello everyone. I create a project with X-CUBE-FREERTOS with STM32CUBEMX and I load it in STM32CUBEIDE,afterwards I had download the package X-CUBE-CRYPTOLIB 4.1.0 and import it follows the istructions here https://wiki.stmicroelectronics.cn/stm32mcu/wiki/Security:Getting_started_with_the_Cryptographic_Library#Default_configuration_usage but when I compile my project I get many errors.
Thank you for your help in advance. You can see the result on the file attached.
2023-08-18 3:36 AM
Hello @rdl ,
Which CubeMX/CubeIDE release are you using? Please make sure to use the latest tools version.
Can you please check if you have the same issue when using Keil or IAR?
2023-08-18 9:37 AM
Hi Imen.D ,
thanks for feedback.I'm using CUBEMX 6.9.1 and CUBEIDE 1.13.1.I haven't Keil or IAR for now.
I have created a project that includes only the library.I had compiled the PKCS1v2.2_EncryptDecrypt and I am trying the functions individually to see how they work.It seems to work by itself,but soon I will have to use them in my company project.I have need to understand how to integrate X-CuBE-CRYPTOLIB on my code.
Thanks in advance for support.
2023-08-20 9:40 AM
I advise you to follow this video Security Part3 - Crypto library lab, which will help you to integrate cryptolib package in CubeIDE project.
2023-08-22 7:52 AM
Hi Imen,I 've follow step by step the operation in the video Security Part3 - Crypto library lab but I can complete only half operation because in the last version of X-CUBE-CRIPTOLIB(4.1.0 and I have this) in STM32CubeExpansion_Crypto_V4.1.0\Middlewares\ST\STM32_Cryptographic\lib I have: libSTM32Cryptographic_CM0_CM0PLUS.a, libSTM32Cryptographic_CM3.a, libSTM32Cryptographic_CM33.a, libSTM32Cryptographic_CM4.a, libSTM32Cryptographic_CM7.a and for my NUCLEO--U575ZI-Q I use libSTM32Cryptographic_CM33.a; anyway I can't chose GCC instead of KEIL or IAR,but I go on to follow the video ,I put #include "crypto.h" in my main.c and I notice it's very small and not include config.h because I don't have.
Best Regards
ps.I've attched file "crypto.h" I have