2023-01-17 12:36 AM
I work in STM32H743, with the IDE 1.11, SD 4 wires. I followed the tutorial posted in Sep 27, 2021 about a File System on a SD card using STM32CubeIDE but nothing works I even tried to download examples provided by cubeIde but no results.
any idea?
2023-01-24 2:50 AM
Hello @Kfell.1 and welcome to the Community :)
Could you please describe the issue in detail?
Which example used?
2023-01-26 3:11 PM
Hello and thank you for your help
I used the program explained in tutorial "How to add a BSP to an STM32CubeIDE project" posted in in Sep 27, 2021and also I used the examples from the stm32h743-eval card but when I create a new project with cubemx my SD card does not work with FAT commands despite I use the same procedures as examples of ST
2023-01-26 11:40 PM
> but nothing works.
thats standard. :)
fresult = f_mount(&SDfs, (TCHAR const*)SDPath, 1); // SD card mount
2023-01-27 7:14 PM
I seems a well-known issue that occur after F4 update to CubeMX6.7 from 6.6.x. You can try SDIO 1bit i.s.o. 4bit option, that might help to fix as work-around.