2019-07-04 5:32 PM
Hi, I'm evaluating STM32CubeIDE version 1.0.1.
It has started badly, the file startup_stm32l151xc.s is missing in the generated code for STM32L151RC, I found it as an external reference in mx.scratch.
Also the linker script STM32L151RCTx_FLASH.ld is missing.
I won't ask why anybody dislikes to have them in the project folders, I'm just asking if there's a clean way to generate them with the rest of the code.
2019-07-08 1:38 AM
I tried this on two different CubeIDEs, one with internet connection set up and one without and I seem to get STM32L151RCTX_FLASH.ld and startup_stm32l151rctx.s generated on both versions.
Exactly what are you selecting in the MCUFinder? I selected the "STM32L151RC" with reference "STM32L151RCTx" and also tried the "STM32L151RCYx" and both went fine.
Does this happen every time you generate a project for that MCU? If not, do you know any way to reliably reproduce it?
2019-07-08 11:48 AM
Hi Markus, I select STM32L151RCTx (LQFP64).
I've restarted CubeIDE and I've generated a new project, this time it is complete.
In the Examdiff screenshot, on the left side (bad generated) there are redundant files in folders .\Src and .\Inc (main.c, main.h, ...) and missing files compared to the right side (good generated). mx.scratch on the left side looks like an intermediate file, so it makes me think that the generation went wrong. Actually I got java error pop-ups during that session.