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Hi, any idea about why stm32xx_hal_uart functions write to USART control registers by ATOMIC_CLEAR_BIT()/ATOMIC_SET_BIT(), while homologous stm32xx_hal_usart functions write to the same registers by CLEAR_BIT()/SET_BIT()?In example:UART_DMATransmitCp...
Premises:- built with gcc version 11.3.1 20220712 (GNU Tools for STM32 11.3.rel1.20230912-1600)- verified on STM32L151RC- cross reference to crc: CRC module can compute crcs compliant to the following 4 stand...
Applies to: STM32L100xx, STM32L151xx, STM32L152xx, STM32L162xx.Hi,in order to write robust drivers, I'm kindly asking a few questions to developers who are into the silicon design. This is the 1st:ref. RM0038 Reference manual Rev 18, paragraph 27.6.1...
Hi, I'm evaluating STM32CubeIDE version 1.0.1.It has started badly, the file startup_stm32l151xc.s is missing in the generated code for STM32L151RC, I found it as an external reference in mx.scratch.Also the linker script STM32L151RCTx_FLASH.ld is mi...
Posted on April 22, 2017 at 13:10Hi, I'm having an issue on STM32L151RC with HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch(), simplifying:if (HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock() == HAL_OK){    HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch();    while (1);}MCU seems to fall in an undefined state.Certainly GPIO peri...
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